Happy International (butter)Beer Day!
Okay, I may be cheating a little here. I don’t drink alcohol, but I do love Butterbeer.
I am a huge Harry Potter fan. Butterbeer is a staple drink in the Wizarding World.
There is no actual beer in Butterbeer. But you do get a deliciously sweet flavor of butterscotch. It comes served hot or cold. Cold is definitely my preference; because, I like a frothy drink during the summer months. No matter how you have it, Butterbeer is a satisfying drink that makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
And even if you’re not a Harry Potter fan, you should seriously make your way over to Universal’s Wizarding World of Harry Potter and get yourself a Butterbeer. It’s the most delicious thing you’ll ever drink.
Seriously, if you haven’t had it yet, you’re missing out.
So in honor of today, I have made a Butterbeer essential oil blend.
This blend will help turn that frown upside down and help you relax.
Did you say RELAX?! Uh, YES please.
All you need are three essential oils and your base oil.
I prefer to use Grapeseed oil. But any kind of oil will do.
The essential oils you need are Copiaba, Panaway, and Stress Away.
I use a 10mL bottle with a roller top. It’s important the bottle is tinted to preserve the oils.
Add your essential oils first.
2 drops of Copaiba
3 drops of Panaway
4 drops of Stressaway
Add your base oil until the bottle is a little over 3/4 full. You want to allow a little room for mixing.
Put your topper and lid on. Then give the bottle a gentle shake to allow the oils to mix properly. This creates your blend.
It may take a few minutes for the oils to marinate. So it might not smell like anything as soon as you make it. Give it some time and then you’ll be able to smell that wonderful candy-like scent.